Nasal congestion is a result of the swelling from the tissues that line the nose due to the enlarged blood vessel, so it is wrong to think that gathering of surplus mucus causes nasal congestion. Actually, the mucus which drains in the sinus cavities, builds up in the nose, because of inflammation of the nasal membranes. Everybody suffers from nasal congestion at some point in life, but in the case of chronic nasal congestion there is recurring swelling which can remain for a few months or perhaps a few years and causes extreme irritation and discomfort.

nasal congestion

Typically nasal congestion is caused as a result of bacteria, mold, allergens like dust pollen or viral influenza and also the common cold. Nasal congestion which results from these factors may be treatable in a short space of time; however, where it concerns chronic nasal congestion with the above causes, the swelling and other associated symptoms could take a long time to cure.

Sinus Infections

Sinus pressure and infections result in an inflammation from the sinuses and nasal membranes. It causes anti snoring and extreme the like. A major reason for this infection is allergies caused by bird feathers or small scales from animal skins.

Nasal Septum Deviation

The septum separates the nose into two nostrils; it is the bony cartilage centrally lying within the nose. Once the apex from the cartilaginous ridge of the septum gets deformed or deviates with the idea to the right or left, it creates a barrier to 1 of the nasal passages. This irregular condition can hinder the flow in sinuses. This can cause headaches, snoring and difficulty in breathing.

Hay Fever

People who are allergic to weeds, grasses and pollens are affected with hay fever; this typically affects individuals in the winter season. Hay fever could cause frequent nasal congestions and headaches.

sinus congestion

Reaction to Medicines

In some instances, reaction to particular medications could result in nasal congestion. You need to pinpoint the precise medication that's causing this condition and change it with more appropriate medicines.


Numerous women are known to be afflicted with chronic nasal digestion throughout pregnancy this is so because throughout the pregnancy there's greater blood flow in the body. This may result in the blood vessels in the nasal membranes getting inflamed as a result of the increase in blood flow.

Treatments for Chronic Nasal Congestion

Many treatment options are available for chronic nasal congestion. Doctors generally play one of the following lines of treatment.


These medicines are employed to stop histamines which trigger allergic symptoms for example runny nose, itching and sneezing.

chronic nasal congestion